Startup Distillery

Chicago, IL
Service Offerings
We provide the following service offerings:
Start Up Consulting
Fundraising Consulting
Emerging Partners
Business solutions providers on ShapeConnect are thoroughly vetted before they are matched with any companies on our platform. Emerging partners must go through an initial screening with our Solutions Experts and submit case studies, references, & pricing information to reach this status.
Startup Distillery is an early-stage startup consultant specializing in business planning, financial projections and go-to-market strategies that get my clients funded. (99% of my clients who have sought funding, have secured it — that's not a coincidence.) I’m like the expert that gets founders ready to go on Shark Tank so they know exactly what they’re doing — instead of wasting time guessing and pivoting.
Company Holding Type

Limited Liability Company

Leadership Demographics

Women-owned or led, American-owned or led


Mission Statement

I believe in founders becoming masters of their own destiny by being strategic rather than betting their futures on trial and error. What I don't believe in is wasting valuable time and making expensive mistakes. The reality is this: without a clear plan or expert guidance, a startup's odds of success plummet. The data shows that it takes most startups an average of 10 years to become truly successful — and 90% won’t even make it that long. Clients come to me because they want to do it in half the time or less.


(1) I use a collaborative approach from start to finish. (2) I am unapologetically candid. (3) My decades of experience, plus my right-brain and left-brain skills, inform all of the work that I do. (4) I am surprisingly accessible. (5) I absolutely love my work.