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Benchmarking Results for ASA Members and Subcontractors - CRM & Web Presence Opportunities

Brian Zielinski

Building Your Digital Presence and Marketing Potential: Insights for ASA Members

The recent ASA benchmarking survey, conducted by ShapeConnect and the EduTech Commitee, yielded invaluable insights about the challenges and opportunities members are experiencing in their businesses. In an era defined by rapid digital transformation, understanding the significance of a compelling online presence and effective marketing strategies is more critical than ever.

Your Website: The Key to Your Brand Image & Future Lead Generation

85% of potential customers check a business online before making a purchase (Zippa). Do you know what opportunities you are missing out on?

Your website now serves as your “first-impression”and is often the initial point of contact for potential clients, partners, and prospective employees. However, only 13% of ASA respondents believed their websites effectively showcased their expertise and capabilities. This emphasizes an opportunity to enhance your online presence and make an impactful first impression.

Beyond Aesthetics: Your Website Should Be a Tool

A polished website isn't just about aesthetics; it should serve as your 24/7 sales representative. It can be a dynamic instrument for lead generation and provide capabilities such as the ability to book meetings, exchange information & documents, and even allow clients to pay invoices. It is essential your site provides comprehensive information about your services, displays testimonials and recent projects, showcases your team, and has a solid careers' page.

See a recent example of a client that has both grown SEO and new employees from their modernized website here.

CRM & Marketing Automation: A Path to Growth

67% of surveyed ASA members do not use a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool for sales and marketing automation. By embracing CRM solutions, subcontractors can track their sales leads and create automated nurturing emails for current customers and referral partners. CRMs also streamline proposals and the onboarding process, enabling companies to deliver an exceptional customer experience that retains customers for the long-term.

See the customer journey map we created for a client to properly setup their CRM and define all of their automated communications and sales touchpoints to effectively referral partners and client leads.


Social Media: Culivating a following with your targets & referral partners

90% of marketers say social media has increased their business exposure. 72% say it has increased traffic to their website (Forrester). Social media today is not about simply posting pictures, it enables you engage and connect with your target audience. A good social media manager will engage with the people and brands that are likely to produce sales opportunities. Commenting and liking the accounts of your target audience keeps you top-of-mind when its time to buy or make a referral.

See a client that grew to over 1,100 followers on instagram with a personalized approach to social media engagement.

Summary: Your Brand Reputation is Established Online

In essence, the survey findings serve as a call to action for ASA members. They emphasize the central role of a compelling digital presence and effective marketing strategies to acquire both new customers and employees. It's not merely about survival; it's about thriving in an era where your digital footprint reflects your professional acumen and company culture.

Get tailored recommendations for your business about your web presence by signing-up for ShapeConnect here and scheduling with our Solutions Experts. For any immerdiate questions emails us at [email protected].