Business Funding
Financial Roadmap in a Day
Startup Distillery
Business Funding

Whether you hate numbers, you're a financial whiz or somewhere in-between.

Regardless of how much or little you know about financial projections, I'll meet you where you are as we create your Financial Roadmap.

As a startup founder, I'd bet my last pint of Graeter's ice cream that you want to be in control of your financial destiny. That doesn't mean you need to become an expert, but you DO need to have a working knowledge of the financial side of your business.

A VIP Day (my 1-day intensive) is the fastest way for entrepreneurs like you to learn:

  • What the 3 key spreadsheets are

  • What they show

  • And how to use them to: (1) price for maximum profit, (2) set and reach your revenue goals and (3) plan for growth


Financial Roadmap VIP Day
1 days
delivery time

Financial projections are not especially sexy. And if you’re someone who "hates numbers," I'm guessing you'd rather avoid them.

But you won't be equipped to make smart decisions as the CEO of your business if you don’t understand: (1) how financial statements work and (2) what they’re telling you.

Regardless of how much or little you know about financials, your VIP Day will meet you where you are.

We can begin with the fundamentals, such as explaining the vocabulary, or we can go right to the 3 most important spreadsheets, where I walk you through:

  • What they are

  • How they work together (in magical ways)

  • And then teach you how use them

We can even dive right in and start building your projections together in real-time!

You don't need to be an expert, but you DO need a working knowledge.

A huge mistake I see is founders attempting to pass off or ignore the parts of their business they don't understand or don't want to address. Financial projections are often one of those parts. Candidly, handing off “the numbers stuff” to your bookkeeper or accountant is the same as handing over the reins of your company (or sticking your head in the sand). And if you’re only looking backward and not into the future, how are you going to plan for growth — and fund it?

About Startup Distillery
Consulting Services
Startup Distillery is an early-stage startup consultant specializing in business planning, financial projections and go-to-market strategies that get my clients funded. (99% of my clients who have sought funding, have secured it — that's not a coincidence.) I’m like the expert that gets founders ready to go on Shark Tank so they know exactly what they’re doing — instead of wasting time guessing and pivoting.
Company Experts
Diane Tarshis | Solutions Marketplace | ShapeConnect
Diane Tarshis
Founder & Principal
As a seasoned startup consultant and founder of Startup Distillery, I’ve spent 20+ years working with entrepreneurs across the US and around the globe launch successful businesses and secure funding. My extensive background in finance, retail, manufacturing and operations — as well as a Wharton degree and an exacting eye for detail — informs all the work that I do as I help entrepreneurs distill their ideas into growing businesses.

Project Phases


Your custom VIP Day will be broken up into 4 phases. (The call itself will take place on Zoom and will be recorded so you can refer back to it.)

1. Phase 1: Demystify
Assuming this is all new to you, (1) I'll begin with the fundamentals, such as explaining the vocabulary, then (2) walk you through the 3 key financial projection spreadsheets every startup needs and (3) explain how each one works. NOTE: Depending on your level of experience, we may skip some or all of this phase.
2. Phase 2: Demonstrate
This is where I demonstrate the differences between spreadsheets — especially the difference between a Profit & Loss statement and Cash Flow Projections. More importantly, it where I explain how the 3 spreadsheets work TOGETHER. Many people assume they're like silos, essentially independent of each other, but actually they're not. This is also where I begin teaching you how to use them.
3. Phase 3: Build
This is where I show you how to get the realistic numbers you need. (No, you can't pull them out of thin air. Investors will know immediately — plus, why would you shoot yourself in the foot like that?) As time allows, we will also begin building your financial projections together in real time.
4. Phase 4: Deliver
This occurs after our day together, where I distill things even further and then deliver your custom Financial Roadmap, a transcript of our call together and your custom Summary & Action Plan.



Your VIP Day will take place in 1 day for up to 4 hours, plus a 1-hour lunch break and a brief afternoon break (to give our brains time to refresh).

What Is Included:

I will provide a Google Sheet template with the 3 core spreadsheets (and some basic formulas built in) where we will work together, live, as we create your Financial Roadmap.

During our day together, I will:

  • Walk you through the 3 key spreadsheets needed for your financial projections: Cash Flow Projections, Profit & Loss Forecast and Sources & Uses of Funds

  • Explain how each one works (i.e., what they show, why they’re valuable) and how to use them.

  • Explain how the 3 work together (since they're not independent of each other).

  • Share strategies for how to get real numbers and how to estimate.

  • As time allows, begin building your financial projections with you

NOTE: Keeping in mind that I meet you where you are, some of the above-listed items may not be needed or only needed to some degree.

What Is NOT Included:

Your Financial Roadmap gives you the clarity, direction and templates you need to create your financial projections. Everything is explained in plain English, and in most cases we're able to start building them together in real time.

But this is just the start.

The 3 key spreadsheets CANNOT be completed in a single day. You'll need to do additional legwork to gather the information your spreadsheets require. That's why I will be giving you a custom Summary & Action Plan for next steps.

Want to do it together?

That's why I offer a 90-Day Velocity Plan to build your financial projections TOGETHER. It's also how I get you VERY comfortable using your financial projections, so you can truly embrace your role as CEO, make smart decisions and plan for growth.

It's also where I give you the expert guidance and strategies to help you:

  • Maintain your accelerated pace

  • Gather and forecast realistic revenues and expenses that you can justify to investors (or yourself)

  • Calculate how much funding you'll need to launch and operate your business until it becomes reliably profitable

  • Develop any custom spreadsheets that might be helpful

  • Optimize your pricing

  • Teach you how to use the spreadsheets yourself (even if you're not a "numbers person"!) so you won't need me ;-)

In most cases, it takes 3-6 months to complete financial projections. (Timing depends on how quickly you work.)

IMPORTANT: I make no representations as to the success of your business or any related fundraising efforts.

Select Package
Financial Roadmap VIP Day
Timeframe: 1 days
Sign-up or log-in to schedule.